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Mountains of History in the Mountains of Adventure

To look at Tennessee’s South Cumberland today, you might not think of it as a timber and coal industrial area, but 150 years ago, it was exactly that. And, you probably wouldn’t believe this area was frequented by a notorious Chicagoland gangster, but that, too, is part of the fascinating history you’ll discover, here in the Mountains of Adventure.

To look at Tennessee’s South Cumberland today, you might not think of it as a timber and coal industrial area, but 150 years ago, it was exactly that. And you might not also think of it as an area with significant involvement in the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s — but it was.  You wouldn’t consider this a likely area for hundreds of Swiss emigrants to settle in the mid-19th century, as they fled poor social and economic conditions in Europe. And, you probably wouldn’t believe that this area was frequented by a notorious Chicagoland gangster, but that, too, is part of the fascinating history you’ll discover, here in the Mountains of Adventure.

Tennessee South Cumberland History Guide

All these and many other events form the surprisingly rich history of Tennessee’s South Cumberland.  Dozens of historical sites are marked with signposts that will introduce you to the amazing things that took place at those locations.  In many cases, the original structures, or remnants thereof, bear witness to what took place in bygone years.  Click on the brochure image on this page to find a guide to these and other fascinating places.

Pro Tip: Start your quest for history at the Grundy County Historical Society Museum, where you can learn about the multifaceted and interwoven story-lines that tell the stories from pre-historic times to the current day—Geological history in Grundy Forest...the first trails, created through this wilderness by Native Americans...the arrival of Swiss and other European settlers, looking for a new home and a better life in this rugged but beautiful terrain...the discovery of coal...the coming of the railroads...the age of timber and industry...the “CCC Boys”…prison laborers...mining strikes...the formative years of the Civil Rights movement...the decline of mining, and the rise of conservation—all contributing to a fascinating historical narrative that will help you understand how this region has transformed itself from an agricultural into an industrial economy, and then, to today’s outdoor recreation and vacation wonderland.

Start your history quest at the Grundy County Historical Society Museum in Tracy City
Start your history quest at the Grundy County Historical Society Museum in Tracy City

Historical markers and signage can be found in one of two forms — as an illustrated interpretive panel at the site of each historical event; or as one of the more traditional, silver-paneled post signs at or near an historic location.  There are also interpretive panels at historical locations throughout our three State Parks. Here, you can “Hike into History” by following interpretive signs found along several of the trails in the parks.

Enjoy your time as a history detective, here in the Mountains of Adventure!

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