Fiery Gizzard South trailhead
The entrance to Foster Falls is about 7.5 miles south of Tracy City on US 41, on your right, marked with a large brown park sign.
Fiery Gizzard Trail, a 2-day Adventure
Ranked as one of the top 25 backpacking trails in the United States by Backpacker magazine, "The Gizz" features cascading streams, numerous waterfalls, panoramic overlooks, extremely rocky gorges, gentle slopes and lush woodlands. Use either the Fiery Gizzard North or Fiery Gizzard South trailheads to begin this adventure!
Moderately Difficult
Foster Falls
At the southern end of the Fiery GizzardTrail is Foster Falls, a 60-foot waterfall, the tallest in the parks, with a swimming hole at its base. There is an easy quarter-mile hike to observe the falls from above; and a much more strenuous two-mile hike (round trip) to clamber to the bottom of the falls on a rocky trail. Access this adventure from the Fiery Gizzard South Trailhead.