Attention Chamber Members
Get new exposure for your business
Tennessee's South Cumberland Tourism Partnership is a locally-based, nonprofit organization working to develop a sustainable economic initiative for our area, based on the development of responsible tourism. Responsible tourism embraces our traditions and values, while recognizing that visitors to our area can have a substantial and positive impact on our area's economy, supporting local businesses of all kinds, from restaurants and retailers to family-owned and small businesses in supporting roles such as utilities, government, construction, healthcare and more. The core of our values are not to change who we are, but rather, to welcome visitors who respect our area's traditions and values, and want to enjoy visiting the South Cumberland region while supporting our area's economy.
Here's what we've been up to:
We've built an all-new MountainsOfAdventure.com website:
Features easier navigation that draws visitors in to all our mountain has to offer
Includes mini-portal pages for each community with their own domain names (VisitAltamont.com, VisitMonteagle.com, etc.)
Link directly from attractions to nearby businesses so visitors do more and spend more (such as “places to eat near Grundy Lakes”)
We’ve been advertising heavily on Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube:
Our ads were seen over 1 million times each month
Visitors clicked from these ads to our website over 17,000 times
We’ve added followers on social media and email:
Over 1,000 email subscribers
16,000 Facebook followers
2,500 Instagram followers
We’ve installed a network of TV screens in area businesses that are frequented by visitors. These screens play looping videos that showcase our tourism-related assets, and also advertise our local businesses.
Here’s how your business can benefit from this:
First, verify your info on our new website:
Find your category on the new website:
Click on the photo above your business name to make sure it goes to the right website, Facebook page or Google Maps listing for your business.
Note whether you have any corrections to your business name, short description, photo, link, category or category “tags”. We'll ask for that feedback in the next step.
Then indicate which listing type your business would like to have…
Bronze: free
Your business will be listed just as it is now.
Your business is listed on the appropriate category and community pages, in the appropriate “featured” pages and shown as “nearby” for non-business attraction pages (hiking trails, etc.) near your community. Businesses with Gold or Silver listings will be shown before yours.
This listing will include your business name, one photo and a short description
Clicking on your listing will lead visitors to one of the following (your choice): Your website, Facebook page or Google Maps listing
Silver: $45/month (1st month free) or $495 $450/year
Your business is listed in all the same places as Bronze listings but is placed higher on the business list.
Clicking on your listing will lead to a full business profile web page within MountainsOfAdventure.com, including:
An animated photo gallery with at least 6 images
An in-depth description of your business
An embedded Google Map to your business, which users can click for directions from their location
Your preferred business phone number, which visitors can click to call you
Your business address
A link to your website, Facebook page or Google Maps listing (any or all of these)
Gold: $95/month (1st month free) or $995 $900/year
Your business is listed in all the same places as Silver listings, but ranked even higher on the business list
Clicking on your listing will lead to the same full business profile as Silver
Your business will be advertised on our network of TV screens in area businesses that are frequented by visitors.
Your business will be featured as part of a rotating banner at the top of a featured category page. See the banners at the top of this page as an example.